Statement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Today, we pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an American hero who gave his life fighting for the civil rights of every American.

As we remember Dr. King's dream, I think this is more than just a day for reflection. I believe today we must recommit ourselves to becoming a nation that better reflects the values Dr. King struggled to achieve. Today is a day to reaffirm our belief in Dr. King's vision and redouble our efforts to live in a nation he described as one where 'unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.

Unfortunately, over the past several weeks we've been confronted with vivid reminders of how far we are from achieving that dream. I am particularly disappointed that this White House and the Republican Party have decided to follow the offensive remarks of Senator Trent Lott with efforts to end affirmative action in our universities and nominate judges who lack racial sensitivity to serve on the federal bench.

Dr. King's dream is truly his legacy. Now, it is the duty of all Americans to embrace that dream.
